Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Do You Ever....?

Do you ever eat a big meal...a meal that you know you probably should have left the last few bites on the plate...but for some reason you aren't full? You have that guilty feeling like I just ate 3 cheeseburgers and fries..there is NO way I should be hungry right now feeling. Then all of a sudden..it happens...you burp....and think...well now I'm DEFINITELY not full!!!! Thats the worst feeling ever. Because before the burp..you weren't quite full...but not quite hungry either. After the burp you are definitely hungry with the new room...and my first conclusion is always to chug some diet pop to fill that space back up! haha

Sorry...very random. Just wonder if that ever happens to anyone else. Weight lifting and running is going well. I'm thinking of doing a half marathon April 4th in Indiana. Also contemplating a little vacay to Vegas....


Mark said...

Too often! I actually let one out the other day in the company of friends! Embarrassing! Keep up the good training!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, all the time!