Sunday, October 26, 2008


So after that little post of foolishness...that very night I didn't set my alarm clock correctly. Of course you do one of those "Omg..theres no way I should still be sleeping!". I look at the clock..its 7:15.....I had "set" my alarm for 5:15. So I somehow managed to think on my feet realizing I better let my cousins know I was still there so they didn't back out and hit my car. (My cousins so graciously took me in instead of staying in the ghetto hotel). I crept upstairs and listened.....nothing. I figured I would wait there for a minute to see if anyone was up yet. All of a sudden I hear "Theres someone downstairs.....GET HIM!!!....I'll get the phone to call 911!!" OH Shit...I think to myself...I'm about to get beat up with a baseball bat. I quickly yelled out that it was me...and then of course a few minutes later the tears started. I just felt like I couldn't do anything right. I had to send a text later apologizing for all the commotion I caused..haha. Other than that...I don't think I did many more stupid things. I'm sure I did...but I probably didn't even realize it.

So now I think its time to finally set up a plan for the marathon. Although I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull it off....I know theres no way in hell it will happen if I don't get a plan of action. So as soon as I hit "Publish Post", I will figure out what plan I'm going to "use". Basically all I can do is give it my best.....and not be too hard on myself. I think after Disney..I will probably stick to half marathons for a while. My life is just a little too insane and irregular to keep up with marathon training. Other news.........I get to move back to Georgia to be with my husband in a week!!! HOLY COW!! I miss my puppy too! And you know what that means.....gorgeous weather to run in! I can't wait for familiarity.....and a big cozy warm cuddling buddy:)


Anonymous said...

Dudes! Just finished my first round of P90X..

Check it:

Anonymous said...

I am sure you are going to feel more comfortable when you head back to Georgia. Hang in there one more week. Just take things day by day.

X-Country2 said...

I love using the internet as a legally binding contract with one's self. "It's out there. Now I HAVE to do it."

Laura said...

Today someone posted on my blog that they can't wait to read my book. Posting something definitely makes it hard to quit...

Just remember that I'm going to be by your side all through Disney no matter what pace you end up at! (Now I sincerely hope you don't train TOO well and force me to commit to running a 3:30 or something).
