Well the trip to Denver was awesome!!! The skirt chaser 5k was awesome! It was very difficult to run at altitude and even more difficult to swallow down a crappy 5k time knowing half of it was due to being out of running shape. We'll blame the first minute being over PR time on the mountains and the second minute on being out of shape....hahha...hows that? My hubby caught up to me at about the half way point (he started 3 minutes after me) (hes also 6'4'') hahahaha (excuses).....and then sadly he passed me up. Also in the last quarter mile I gathered myself and started sprinting like a crazy woman. Everyone was pointing at me like "look at that girl!" ....and then..........my ipod flew out of my armband and skidded across the cement. My race came to a sudden hault....I almost got ran over by 4 guys....and my poor ipod suffered some surface scrapes (on the back thank god). I forgot to save my little tag with my name on it and since there was no chip timing system I'm not sure of my exact time. I know it said 29:15 when I was coming in...so we'll go with something like that. Either way it was super fun and it was hubbys first race! I'm hoping he will join me for some more. Other things we did....
Visited two breweries in one day...(we like free beer!)..Budweiser and Coors
Went to the Colorado Rockies Game
Ate a buffalo burger (bison burger)
Had a few beers at a local micro brew (holy crap...basically we did a brew crawl)
went shopping..

Other bloggy news...I got to meet my first blog friend
POM. We shared a pre-race drink (Don't ever get Dales Pale Ale if you go to Denver...icky..icky..icky). She kicked my butt in the 5k (25 something was her time....WOW!) and then we hung out for a bit afterwards. I definitely need to start meeting some of you more often! Heres a pic of us at skirt chaser :)

Other life news...I completely chopped off alllllllllllll my hair. ALLLLLL OF IT! I mean every last bit of it! Picture below! EEEEEEEEEEEEEK! (i love it though..so don't say anything bad! haha...you know I'm talking to you males...who often give unwanted opinions..hahahha)

And yes..I passed all my comp exams and its finally time to move on with my life. I am moving to Atlanta for the month of September and Cincinnati for the month of October (holla Dani!!). I am getting back to running shape...and continuing with P90X as well. My life is back..and I couldn't be happier. No more studying...no more books....just me...my running shoes...and a pair of scrubs exploring the country. PUMPED!