Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Then it has puppies......(you know the first part)

My last week.....

1) Hubby messes up his ankle playing basketball-----> RunninDuff slams her hand in the OR doors
2) RunninDuff loses her phone outside in the snow and it gets frozen and run over ---> Hubby drops his phone in a cup of water
3) RunninDuff backs into her moms car...----> Hubby if you follow suit I will freakin kill you! hahaha

So as the saying goes...Lifes a Bitch...then it has puppies...and apparently before you know it...the puppies are having puppies...when will it end?

But ah HA! all you optimists out there are probably thinking "be grateful!" right? Well FINE! I'll try.....ankles, hands, cars, phones = all fixable or replace-able. Friends, family, memories = the little things in life. The Big Picture = Don't Sweat the small stuff. (Sorry this is all in equations..apparently stress brings out the engineer in me)

I have a nice family...good friends...a promising career ahead that actually has job offers during this crappy economy...two legs that allow me to run 4 miles in 34:30 (yes! I'm getting faster!)...a few non-injured fingers so I can still blog...a smashed up car that takes me from A to B...and a partridge in a pear tree. This is one happy camper...........praying to the Dog gods to stop the dang puppy mill thats going on over here. :) SMILE!!!!! ITS HUMP DAY!


Danielle Runs said...

god i love you! you=god

Anonymous said...

Job offers, that's great.

You are right, can't let the small stuff bring you down.

Lauren said...

Who doesn't like puppies, anyway? I have definitely backed into my dad's car before. Glad you're keeping a good outlook and congrats on the speed!

triguyjt said...

full speed ahead.....