Sunday, January 20, 2008

GO BROWNS!! (wait...browns aren't in the playoffs..)

My workout w my new running partner! she goes out too fast...thats why there is a dip at one mile.I was so proud of her though. She went 1.5 with me without stopping! Get it Girl!Also....note the fastest yet :)

Other than that...I went to a football playoff party. Here are some pics (yes I'm still sportin Cleveland Browns eventhough we are out of the playoffs.....TRUE fan right here!)


triguyjt said...

way to back those brownies...

gotta get #10 into the lineup next year.

jahowie said...

The Browns?!?! You just lost some cool points. LOL Just kidding. #10 probably won't see any time soon unless they get rid of Anderson. Just don't tell me that you are an Ohio State fan too. NO, just don't tell me. LOL

Nice job on the run!! Great pace.

Benson said...

Hey, very nice run pace. I'm still base training at 9+ min/mile.

Note to self:
Don't go running with a girl wearing a #10 Browns jersey holding a puppy like a football.
She will kick your ass.

Razz said...

I didn't know the Browns even HAD fans. :)

Laura said...

Haha okay clearly I am clueless on how the iPod Plus charts work... before I always thought the dips were showing elevation! :) Can you tell I still haven't gotten one?

Bill Carter said...

Hi Christine!

Thanks for visiting my blog and allowing me to find yours. It is pretty funny that I was just reading your blog and thinking "Wow, she is really making progress on her running!" when my wife walked in, peaked over my shoulder, and gave me a bunch of noogies. I can't help it if you look the way you do... Seriously though, congrats on your great progress and I look forward to following your blog

BTW, I voted for the sunglasses.. as an Optometrist I didn't have a choice.

Danielle Runs said...

Love the new pics of you and bent! Never thought a Browns jersey could look so good! xoxo to Lil Bent

Jes said...

Cute pictures!